Get Started

We provide for you a simple but useful documentation that help you to solve problems as fast as you can.

Get Started

This documentation will help you get started with echo agency template. All the information regarding file structure, build tools, components, credits, license and FAQ can be found here.

In this guide, you can see all the elements that are in the work and have been customized, and see and use the sample code and its classes.


  • assets All template source files like HTML / SCSS / CSS / JS that are then processed
    • assets / js In this folder contains main plugin.js . In this file included all plugin and script. This file is called on all pages. All Plugin were minified
    • assets / css In this folder contains main plugin.css . In this file included all plugin and CSS library. This file is called on all pages. All Plugin were minified
    • assets / scss In this folder contains main style.css . In this file included all SCSS files. In this folder scss / components included all custom elements style.
  • package.json Includes the list of dependencies to install from npm.
  • documentation.html Contain all documentation files (installation, elements)


  • If you want to use CSS / JS files without using npm just include these two files assets / css / style.css in < head > of your demo and pages and
    assets / js / script.js in end of < body > in < script >tag.

  • if you want use npm follow this steps:
    1. install Node.js .
    2. Use this command npm install -g to install all dependencies.
    3. install SCSS file watcher and live compiler on your code editor(IDE).
      in vs-code Live sass compiler
      in phpstorm Sass compiler
  • It`s time to go.You can customise theme with your own styles.


Contact Form

In this Project we provided for you a sendEmail.php file to create contact form dynamically. You can see file in below to how it works

$data = [];
if ($_POST) {
    $name = "";
    $email = "";
    $subject = "";
    $comments = "";
    $recipient=""; // Your email comes here

    if (isset($_POST['name'])) {
        $name = filter_var($_POST['name'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

    if (isset($_POST['email'])) {
        $email = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "%0a", "%0d"), '', $_POST['email']);
        $email = filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);

    if (isset($_POST['subject'])) {
        $subject = filter_var($_POST['subject'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

    if (isset($_POST['comments'])) {
        $comments = htmlspecialchars($_POST['comments']);

    $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"
        . 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n"
        . 'From: ' . $email . "\r\n";
    if (mail($recipient, $subject, $comments, $headers)) {
        $data = array(
            'status' => 'Congratulation',
            'message' => 'Your message sent successfully.'
    } else {
        $data = array(
            'status' => 'Error',
            'message' => 'Your message did not send.'
} else {
	$data = array(
		'status' => 'Warning',
		'message' => 'Something went wrong, Please try again.'
echo json_encode($data);


This guide will help you get started with Echo template. All the information regarding file structure, build tools, components, credits, license and FAQ can be found here.

Contact Form


we used the latest version of libraries in our project .To find out what version of the library is running check Credits

Our template support languages written in a Right-To-Left (RTL) direction.check RTl Templates

A support group provides an opportunity for customers to ask their Questions and share personal experiences.Please follow

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Alias aliquam, aut dolores.

Echo is an HTML template, so it doesn't support Wordpress themes.

Echo Template include Javascript and Jquery but in the future we will probably have these libraries .

Change log

v1.0.0 May 2022

  • version 1 initial release


JS and CSS

Plugin Name Description
Bootstrap Powerful, extensible, and feature-packed frontend toolkit.
Bootstrap Icon Free, high quality, open source icon library with over 1,600 icons.
Swiper js The Most Modern Mobile Touch Slider. We used Swiper for slider.
Prism Js Prism is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind.
Clipboard Js A modern approach to copy text to clipboard.
tilt Js A smooth 3D tilt javascript library forked from Tilt.js (jQuery version).
Scroll Cue Animation for site. Show elements by scrolling.
Counter This plugin that will count up (or down) to a target number at a specified speed
Isotope Filter & sort magical layouts.
Swipebox Swipebox is a jQuery "lightbox" plugin for desktop, mobile and tablet.
Blobz Pure CSS Animated Blobs.
Animate Css Animate.css is a library of ready-to-use, cross-browser animations for use in your web projects.



You can go to this link to find photos and select photos in Pexels


You can go to this link to find photos and select photos in Freepik


You can go to this link to find photos and select photos in Unsplash


You can go to this link to find photos and select photos in Freepik


Go to FontIcon section to access the icons.

Plugin Name Description
Bootstrap Icon Free, high quality, open source icon library with over 1,600 icons.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eveniet laboriosam.


You can go to this link to find photos and select photos in Storyset


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eveniet laboriosam.

Plugin Name Description
Poppins Basic Font on website
Playfair This font is used for some titles.
Nunito This font is used for some pages. It`s a round font


Changing Primary Color

In this project we have changed the original bootstrap colors. To customize the main colors according to your taste. Apply changes to this user_variable file

$colors: ("blue": $blue,
  "purple": $purple,
  "pink": $pink,
  "red": $red,
  "orange": $orange,
  "yellow": $yellow,
  "green": $green,
  "lightPink": $lightPink,
  "aqua": $aqua,
  "navy": $navy,
  "white": $white,
  "light": $light,
  "gray": $gray,
  "dark": $dark,
$secondary: $gray-600;
$success: $green;
$info: $aqua;
$warning: $yellow;
$danger: $red;
$main-color: $primary;
$theme-colors: map-merge($colors,
    ("primary": $primary,
        "secondary": $secondary,
        "success": $success,
        "info": $info,
        "warning": $warning,
        "danger": $danger,

Background Colors






















Text Colors

Text Blue

Text Red

Text Purple

Text Aqua

Text Pink

Text Yellow

Text Navy

Text Orange

Text Light Pink

Text Black

Text White

Text Light

Text Gray

Text Pale Blue

Text Pale Red

Text Pale Purple

Text Pale Aqua

Text Pale Pink

Text Pale Yellow

Text Pale Navy

Text Pale Orange

Text Pale Light Pink

Text Soft Blue

Text Soft Red

Text Soft Purple

Text Soft Aqua

Text Soft Pink

Text Soft Yellow

Text Soft Navy

Text Soft Orange

Text Soft Light Pink


Border Colors


Pale Blue

Soft Blue


Pale Red

Soft Red


Pale purple

Soft purple


Pale Orange

Soft Orange


Pale Aqua

Soft Aqua


Pale Green

Soft Green


Pale Pink

Soft Pink


Pale Yellow

Soft Yellow


Pale Navy

Soft Navy

Light Pink

Pale Light Pink

Soft Light Pink



Font Options

Poppins is the default font in Echo.If you want to change your default font family add class in < body > tag.

<body class="font-nunito">

Custom Google Fonts

If you want to add your custom google font go to assets / scss / _user-variable.scss file and import your font.
In below, you can see how to import:

@import url(";200;300;400;500;600;700;800&display=swap");
$main-font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;

Svg Icons

Custom Svg

Add some custom svg in demos



Graphic Design
Arrow 2
Arrow 3
Cursor 2
Play Store
Apple Store
Shape Line

Font Icons

Bootstrap icons

We have used bootstrap font icons in this project. To see all the fonts, you can go to the bootstrap icon site and see the fonts.

In below, you can see how to import in SCSS file assets / scss / _user-variable.scss

@import url("");
$font-icon: 'bootstrap-icons';





Set 1

/ Resource
/ Resource
/ Resource

Set 2

/ Resource
/ Resource
/ Resource






The echo template provides values between 0 and 30 for the desired distance and more values using bootstrap spacing .

Font Size

We have provided values between 0 and 100 for the font size in this project. You can use the .fs-* class.

    font size 1px
    font size 2px
    font size 3px
    font size 100px

Width and Height

We have provided values between 8 and 560 for the Width and Height in this project which increases by 8 in all breakpoints. You can use the .w-* and .h-* class.


Top, Left, Bottom, Right

We have used spacing for the Top, Left, Bottom and Right in this project in all breakpoints. You can use the .start-* for left, .end-* for right, .top-* for top and .bottom-* for bottom.

You can also use these classes for the negative case .start-n* for left, .end-n* for right, .top-n* for top and .bottom-n* for bottom.

    Position for left
    Position for right
    Position for top
    Position for bottom

    Position for negative left
    Position for negative right
    Position for negative top
    Position for negative bottom

Border Width

We have provided values between 1 and 10 for the Border width in this project. You can use the .border-* class.

    Border 1px
    Border 2px
    Border 3px
    Border 10px

Line Height

We have provided values between 0 and 5 for the line height in this project. You can use the .lh-* class.

    Border 0px
    Border 1px
    Border 2px
    Border 3px
    Border 4px
    Border 5px


Simple Accordion

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet luctus venenatis, lectus luctus venenatis, lectus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet luctus venenatis, lectus luctus venenatis, lectus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet luctus venenatis, lectus luctus venenatis, lectus

<div class="accordion accordion-flush accordion-nbg" data-cues="slideInUp" data-duration="1500" id="accordionTransparent">
    <div class="accordion-item rounded-3 mb-4 border-0">
        <h2 class="accordion-header" id="flush-h1">
            <button aria-controls="flush-collapse2" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-button" data-bs-target="#flush-collapse1" data-bs-toggle="collapse" type="button">
                <span class="text-capitalize mb-0 fs-18">new algorithm design</span>
        <div aria-labelledby="flush-h1" class="accordion-collapse collapse show" data-bs-parent="#accordionTransparent" id="flush-collapse1">
            <div class="accordion-body text-secondary">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet
                luctus venenatis, lectus luctus venenatis, lectus
    <div class="accordion-item rounded-3 mb-4 border-0">
        <h2 class="accordion-header" id="flush-h2">
            <button aria-controls="flush-collapse2" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-button collapsed" data-bs-target="#flush-collapse2" data-bs-toggle="collapse" type="button">
                <span class="text-capitalize mb-0 fs-18">New networking</span>
        <div aria-labelledby="flush-h2" class="accordion-collapse collapse" data-bs-parent="#accordionTransparent" id="flush-collapse2">
            <div class="accordion-body text-secondary">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet
                luctus venenatis, lectus luctus venenatis, lectus
    <div class="accordion-item rounded-3 mb-4 border-0">
        <h2 class="accordion-header" id="flush-h3">
            <button aria-controls="flush-collapse3" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-button collapsed" data-bs-target="#flush-collapse3" data-bs-toggle="collapse" type="button">
                <span class="text-capitalize mb-0 fs-18">new trend design</span>
        <div aria-labelledby="flush-h3" class="accordion-collapse collapse" data-bs-parent="#accordionTransparent" id="flush-collapse3">
            <div class="accordion-body text-secondary">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet
                luctus venenatis, lectus luctus venenatis, lectus

Accordion Icon

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet luctus venenatis, lectus luctus venenatis, lectus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet luctus venenatis, lectus luctus venenatis, lectus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet luctus venenatis, lectus luctus venenatis, lectus

<div class="accordion accordion-flush accordion-nbg" data-cues="slideInUp" data-duration="1500" id="accordionTransparent">
    <div class="accordion-item rounded-3 mb-4 border-0">
        <h2 class="accordion-header" id="flush-headingOne">
            <button aria-controls="flush-collapseOne" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-button" data-bs-target="#flush-collapseOne" data-bs-toggle="collapse" type="button">
                <i class="bi bi-grid-1x2-fill fs-32 text-blue"></i>
                <span class="text-capitalize mb-0 ms-4 fs-18">new algorithm design</span>
        <div aria-labelledby="flush-headingOne" class="accordion-collapse collapse show" data-bs-parent="#accordionTransparent" id="flush-collapseOne">
            <div class="accordion-body text-secondary">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet
                luctus venenatis, lectus luctus venenatis, lectus
    <div class="accordion-item rounded-3 mb-4 border-0">
        <h2 class="accordion-header" id="flush-headingTwo">
            <button aria-controls="flush-collapseTwo" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-button collapsed" data-bs-target="#flush-collapseTwo" data-bs-toggle="collapse" type="button">
                <i class="bi bi-git fs-32 text-blue"></i>
                <span class="text-capitalize mb-0 ms-4 fs-18">New networking</span>
        <div aria-labelledby="flush-headingTwo" class="accordion-collapse collapse" data-bs-parent="#accordionTransparent" id="flush-collapseTwo">
            <div class="accordion-body text-secondary">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet
                luctus venenatis, lectus luctus venenatis, lectus
    <div class="accordion-item rounded-3 mb-4 border-0">
        <h2 class="accordion-header" id="flush-headingThree">
            <button aria-controls="flush-collapseThree" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-button collapsed" data-bs-target="#flush-collapseThree" data-bs-toggle="collapse" type="button">
                <i class="bi bi-display-fill fs-32 text-blue"></i>
                <span class="text-capitalize mb-0 ms-4 fs-18">new trend design</span>
        <div aria-labelledby="flush-headingThree" class="accordion-collapse collapse" data-bs-parent="#accordionTransparent" id="flush-collapseThree">
            <div class="accordion-body text-secondary">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet
                luctus venenatis, lectus luctus venenatis, lectus


Scroll Cue Js

scrollCue.js is a JavaScript plugin that works without jQuery. Show elements by scrolling on page.

Single Element

You can use data-cue to add animation to one element.


    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256" data-cue="slideInLeft">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-7.jpg" alt="/">
    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256" data-cue="slideInLeft">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-5.jpg" alt="/">
    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256" data-cue="slideInLeft">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-8.jpg" alt="/">

Parent Element

You can use data-cues to add animation to parent element.

<div data-cues="slideInLeft">
    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-7.jpg" alt="">
    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-5.jpg" alt="">
    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-8.jpg" alt="">

Group Element

You can use data-group to group your elements.In this setting when the first element loaded other element continuous after first element.

<div data-cues="slideInLeft" data-group="images">
    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-7.jpg" alt="">
    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-5.jpg" alt="">
    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-8.jpg" alt="">

Duration Element

You can use data-duration for the duration the animation is done.

<div data-cues="slideInLeft" data-duration="1500">
    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-7.jpg" alt="">
    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-5.jpg" alt="">
    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-8.jpg" alt="">

Delay Element

You can use data-delay for the delay the animation is done.

<div data-cues="slideInLeft" data-duration="1500">
    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256" data-delay="300">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-7.jpg" alt="">
    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256" data-delay="1200">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-5.jpg" alt="">
    <figure class="shadow rounded-2 h-256" data-delay="600">
        <img src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-8.jpg" alt="">


Image Avatars

You can use size between .w-8 and .w-560 to change the image size. You can change your Image height too.

<figure class="w-96 h-96 rounded-circle ">
    <img src="../assets/img/user/user-4.jpg" alt="">
<figure class="w-80 h-80 rounded-circle ">
    <img src="../assets/img/user/user-5.jpg" alt="">
<figure class="w-64 h-64 rounded-circle ">
    <img src="../assets/img/user/user-6.jpg" alt="">


Overlay Background

To add overlay on the box background and image background .overlay : Use this class to add main style.

  • .overlay--cover use this class to active overlay background. with 30% overlay.
  • .overlay--cover-40 use this class to active overlay background. with 40% overlay.
  • .overlay--cover-50 use this class to active overlay background. with 50% overlay.

Use the .cover class in .overlay class if you want to create text inside the box

See code in below:

Your Content

Your Content

Your Content

<figure class="h-256 rounded-2 overlay overlay-2">
    <div class="cover">
        <p class="text-center fs-25 text-white fw-bold">Your Content</p>
    <img src="../assets/img/bg/bg-2.jpg" alt="">

<figure class="h-256 rounded-2 overlay overlay-2 overlay--cover-40">
    <div class="cover">
        <p class="text-center fs-25 text-white fw-bold">Your Content</p>
    <img src="../assets/img/bg/bg-2.jpg" alt="">

<figure class="h-256 rounded-2 overlay overlay-2 overlay--cover-50">
    <div class="cover">
        <p class="text-center fs-25 text-white fw-bold">Your Content</p>
    <img src="../assets/img/bg/bg-2.jpg" alt="">

Dark Background

Your Content

<div class="wrap bg-dark text-white"></div>

Solid Color Background

Your Content

Your Content

  • .bg-purple -
  • .bg-red -
  • .bg-blue -
  • .bg-yellow -
  • .bg-green -
  • .bg-aqua -
  • .bg-dark -
  • .bg-navy -
  • .bg-pink -
  • .bg-lightPink -
  • .bg-orange -
  • .bg-white -

<div class="wrap bg-purple text-white"></div>
<div class="wrap bg-red text-white"></div>

Pale Color Background

Your Content

Your Content

  • .bg-pale-purple -
  • .bg-pale-red -
  • .bg-pale-blue -
  • .bg-pale-yellow -
  • .bg-pale-green -
  • .bg-pale-aqua -
  • .bg-pale-dark -
  • .bg-pale-navy -
  • .bg-pale-pink -
  • .bg-pale-lightPink -
  • .bg-pale-orange -
  • .bg-pale-white -

<div class="wrap bg-pale-blue text-white"></div>
<div class="wrap bg-pale-green text-white"></div>

Soft Color Background

Your Content

Your Content

  • .bg-soft-purple -
  • .bg-soft-red -
  • .bg-soft-blue -
  • .bg-soft-yellow -
  • .bg-soft-green -
  • .bg-soft-aqua -
  • .bg-soft-dark -
  • .bg-soft-navy -
  • .bg-soft-pink -
  • .bg-soft-lightPink -
  • .bg-soft-orange -
  • .bg-soft-white -

<div class="wrap bg-soft-orange text-dark"></div>
<div class="wrap bg-soft-aqua text-dark"></div>


Button Size

Button Shapes

Button Style


Basic Card


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Alias, deserunt dolorum earum facere harum minus neque.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Alias, deserunt dolorum earum facere harum minus neque.

<div class="defaultCard">
    <p class="text-secondary">...</p>
 <div class="defaultCard shadow">
    <p class="text-secondary">...</p>

Card Color


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Alias, deserunt dolorum earum facere harum minus neque.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Alias, deserunt dolorum earum facere harum minus neque.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Alias, deserunt dolorum earum facere harum minus neque.

<div class="Card-Color bg-pink">
    <p class="text-secondary text-white">...</p>
<div class="Card-Color bg-pale-pink">
    <p class="text-secondary text-white">...</p>
<div class="Card-Color bg-soft-pink">
    <p class="text-secondary text-white">...</p>


Simple Swiper

<div class="swiper portfolio-swiper-line">
    <div class="swiper-wrapper">
        <!-- Slide one -->
        <div class="swiper-slide py-4">
                    <!-- Image -->
                    <img class="w-100 h-100" src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-4.jpg" alt="/">
        <!-- Slide two -->
        <div class="swiper-slide py-4">
                    <!-- Image -->
                    <img class="w-100 h-100" src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-11.jpg" alt="/">
        <!-- Slide three -->
        <div class="swiper-slide py-4">
                    <!-- Image -->
                    <img class="w-100 h-100" src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-7.jpg" alt="/">

Card Swiper

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Commodi, earum itaque laudantium minus nam ratione. Dignissimos laudantium officia quia vitae? Laboriosam nam necessitatibus similique voluptates.

Alex Arnold


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Commodi, earum itaque laudantium minus nam ratione. Dignissimos laudantium officia quia vitae? Laboriosam nam necessitatibus similique voluptates.

Sam smith


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Commodi, earum itaque laudantium minus nam ratione. Dignissimos laudantium officia quia vitae? Laboriosam nam necessitatibus similique voluptates.

Adam Doe


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Commodi, earum itaque laudantium minus nam ratione. Dignissimos laudantium officia quia vitae? Laboriosam nam necessitatibus similique voluptates.

Melica Smith


    <div class="swiper testimonial-swiper py-10" data-cue="slideInUp" data-duration="1000">
        <div class="swiper-wrapper">
            <!-- Item 1 -->
            <div class="swiper-slide">
                <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Commodi, earum itaque laudantium minus nam ratione.
                    Dignissimos laudantium officia quia vitae? Laboriosam nam necessitatibus similique voluptates.
                <!-- Content  -->
                    <!-- Avatar -->
                        <img src="../assets/img/user/user-4.jpg" alt="">
                    <!-- user info -->
                            <h5> Alex Arnold</h5>
            <!-- Item 2 -->
            <div class="swiper-slide">
                <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Commodi, earum itaque laudantium minus nam ratione.
                    Dignissimos laudantium officia quia vitae? Laboriosam nam necessitatibus similique voluptates.
                <!-- Content  -->
                    <!-- Avatar -->
                        <img src="../assets/img/user/user-8.jpg" alt="">
                    <!-- user info -->
                            <h5>Sam smith</h5>
            <!-- Item 3 -->
            <div class="swiper-slide">
                <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Commodi, earum itaque laudantium minus nam ratione.
                    Dignissimos laudantium officia quia vitae? Laboriosam nam necessitatibus similique voluptates.
                <!-- Content  -->
                    <!-- Avatar -->
                        <img src="../assets/img/user/user-10.jpg" alt="">
                    <!-- user info -->
                            <h5>Adam Doe</h5>
        <div class="swiper-pagination" style="--swiper-theme-color: #2cbb80"></div>

Image Swiper

You can use Swiper for hero is a modern touch slider which is focused only on modern apps/platforms to bring the best experience and simplicity.

<div class="swiper hero-swiper col-lg-12 col-sm-8 w-100 w-100-sm" style="height: 650px; max-height: 70%;">
    <div class="swiper-wrapper">
        <!-- slider 1 -->
        <div class="swiper-slide w-85-sm overlay--cover">
            <figure class="h-100">
                <img src="../assets/img/bg/bg-14.jpg" alt="">
        <!-- slider 2 -->
        <div class="swiper-slide w-85-sm overlay--cover">
            <figure class="h-100">
                <img src="../assets/img/bg/bg-15.jpg" alt="">
        <!-- slider 3 -->
        <div class="swiper-slide w-85-sm overlay--cover">
            <figure class="h-100">
                <img src="../assets/img/bg/bg-16.jpg" alt="">
        <!-- Swiper Navigation -->
    <div class="swiper-scrollbar"></div>



    <hr class="my-8">


Curve One
Curve Two
Curve Three
Curve Four

<div class="wrap wrapper-curve bottom-end bg-soft-pink bg-opacity-8" ></div>
<div class="wrap wrapper-curve bottom-start bg-soft-pink bg-opacity-8" ></div>
<div class="wrap wrapper-curve top-end bg-soft-pink bg-opacity-8" ></div>
<div class="wrap wrapper-curve top-start bg-soft-pink bg-opacity-8"></div>


In this project, there are 3 types of waves that you can use the following classes:

  • .wave-sm This class use for small wave
  • .wave-lg This class use for large wave
  • .wave-lg-reverse This class use for large and reverse wave
Wave Large
Wave Reverse

<section class="bg-soft-blue bg-opacity-50 position-relative wave-lg"></section>
<section class="bg-soft-blue bg-opacity-50 position-relative wave-lg-reverse"></section>

Divider Y

In this project, .divide-y-block and .divide-y-none to show and hide border bottom to element child's. You can show or hide in different breakpoints.

You can change its color with the available colors

  • .divide-y-purple -
  • .divide-y-red -
  • .divide-y-blue -
  • .divide-y-yellow -
  • .divide-y-green -
  • .divide-y-aqua -
  • .divide-y-dark -
  • .divide-y-navy -
  • .divide-y-pink -
  • .divide-y-lightPink -
  • .divide-y-orange -
  • .divide-y-white -
Add divide
  • Test
  • Test
  • White divider
  • Test
  • Test
  • Test
  • Test
  • Blue divider
  • Test
  • Test
  • Test
  • Test
  • Show on up md
  • Test
  • Test

<ul class="list-unstyled divide-y-block divide-y-blue text-center mb-0">
    <li class="py-1">Test</li>
    <li class="py-1">Test</li>
    <li class="py-1">Blue divider</li>
    <li class="py-1">Test</li>
    <li class="py-1">Test</li>
<ul class="list-unstyled divide-y-none divide-y-block-md divide-y-red text-center mb-0">
    <li class="py-1">Test</li>
    <li class="py-1">Test</li>
    <li class="py-1">Show on up md</li>
    <li class="py-1">Test</li>
    <li class="py-1">Test</li>

Form Elements


<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Name..." aria-label="First name">
<input type="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Email..." aria-label="Email address">
<input type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Password..." aria-label="Password">


    <textarea class="form-control fs-15" placeholder="Your Message..." rows="4"></textarea>

Check Box

    <div class="form-check d-inline-block">
        <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" name="rememberMe" id="rememberMe">
        <label class="form-check-label fs-15 text-secondary" for="rememberMe">
            Remember me





<figure class="w-100 mb-0 overlay overlay-1 h-264 shadow rounded-2">
    <!--   Overlay-->
    <div class="cover"> Content </div>
    <!-- Image -->
    <img class="w-100 h-100" src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-5.jpg" alt="/">
<figure class="w-100 mb-0 overlay overlay-1 h-264 shadow rounded-2">
    <!--   Overlay-->
    <div class="cover">
        <a href="">
            <i class="bi bi-link shadow btn-gray w-56 h-56 d-inline-block fs-29 rounded-circle"></i>
    <!-- Image -->
    <img class="w-100 h-100" src="../assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-4.jpg" alt="/">


You can enable this feature by using the .tilt class to boxes

New Design


Social marketing

Web design

Dark Design

<figure class="tilt h-368 overlay overlay-1">
    <div class="cover">
        <p class="fs-22 text-white fw-bold position-absolute top-7"> New Design </p>
        <a class="position-absolute bottom-4 end-5 shadow-sm
            bg-white rounded-circle w-48 h-48" href="JavaScript:Void(0)">
            <i class="bi bi-link fs-26 text-black"></i>
    <img src="..." alt="">

Media Player

Video Player

 <div class="overlay overlay--cover h-392">
    <video class="w-100" autoplay="" loop="" style="object-fit:contain;">
        <source src="../assets/media/video.mp4">


Progress bar line

  • .bg-purple -
  • .bg-red -
  • .bg-blue -
  • .bg-yellow -
  • .bg-green -
  • .bg-aqua -
  • .bg-dark -
  • .bg-navy -
  • .bg-pink -
  • .bg-lightPink -
  • .bg-orange -
  • .bg-white -

Use the .skillbar class to use the progressbar.

Below is a list of property and tags that should be used for the progress bar to work properly

  • #counter-items parent id for skillbar to run from JS file
  • data-percent Skillbar attribute for setting progress
  • .skillbar-title Skillbar title
  • .skillbar-bar Skillbar bar for progress
  • .timer-skill Skillbar counter:
    • data-from Counter start number
    • data-to Counter stop(target) number
Web design
Web Developer

<div class="skill-box" id="counter-item">
    <div class="skillbar clearfix h-64 position-relative" data-percent="85%">
        <div class="skillbar-title"><h5 class="fw-normal">Marketing</h5></div>
        <div class="skillbar-bar h-8 float-start bg-purple rounded-pill mb-3" style="width: 1px"></div>
        <div class="timer-skill d-inline position-absolute top-n0 right-0" data-from="0" data-to="85"></div>


First one

three different Preloader with distinguish Style

<div class="position-relative h-256">
    <div class="preloader">

Second one

<div class="position-relative h-256">
    <span class="Preloader-2"></span>

Third one

Trwa Å‚adowanie strony

<div class="position-relative h-352 mx-auto mt-12">
    <div class="preloader-3" role="progressbar" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"><span class="preloader__label">Trwa Å‚adowanie strony</span></div>


Shadow Example

No Shadow
Shadow Sm
Shadow Lg

    <div class="bg-soft-blue">No Shadow</div>
    <div class="bg-soft-blue shadow-sm">Shadow Sm</div>
    <div class="bg-soft-blue shadow">Shadow</div>
    <div class="bg-soft-blue shadow-lg">Shadow Lg</div>



We used one shape created by dots in our project.You can use this shape with different width.


<figure class="w-256 h-256">
    <img alt="/"  src="../assets/img/dots.svg" style="object-fit: contain">
<figure class="w-152 h-152">
    <img alt="/"  src="../assets/img/dots.svg" style="object-fit: contain">

Svg Dynamic Shapes

We are used Blobz plugin to animation blobz shape

Blobz tool is using CSS custom properties (aka CSS variables), so it is super easy to customize them. These settings can be placed as inline style or in separate < style > definition.

  • .tk-blob Class to active Blobz plugin.

  • --time Time of animation loop in seconds or milliseconds

  • --amount Amount (size) of deformation

  • --fill Fill color of blob

<div class="tk-blob opacity-25" style="--time: 50s; --amount: 5; --fill: #bacbff; width: 300px; max-width: 90%">
    <svg viewBox="0 0 747.2 726.7" xmlns="">
        <path d="M539.8 137.6c98.3 69 183.5 124 203 198.4 19.3 74.4-27.1 168.2-93.8 245-66.8 76.8-153.8 136.6-254.2 144.9-100.6 8.2-214.7-35.1-292.7-122.5S-18.1 384.1 7.4 259.8C33 135.6 126.3 19 228.5 2.2c102.1-16.8 213.2 66.3 311.3 135.4z"></path>
<div class="tk-blob opacity-25" style="--time: 50s; --amount: 5; --fill: #1DC17C; width: 300px; max-width: 90%">
    <svg viewBox="0 0 747.2 726.7" xmlns="">
        <path d="M539.8 137.6c98.3 69 183.5 124 203 198.4 19.3 74.4-27.1 168.2-93.8 245-66.8 76.8-153.8 136.6-254.2 144.9-100.6 8.2-214.7-35.1-292.7-122.5S-18.1 384.1 7.4 259.8C33 135.6 126.3 19 228.5 2.2c102.1-16.8 213.2 66.3 311.3 135.4z"></path>

Svg Static Shapes

We have a Stable shapes created by Svg codes

<svg class=" opacity-25" style="width: 400px;" viewBox="0 0 200 200" xmlns="">
<path d="M46.6,-44.2C59.6,-33.7,68.6,-16.9,67.4,-1.2C66.3,14.6,55,29.1,42,44.8C29.1,60.4,14.6,77.1,1,76.1C-12.5,75,-25,56.2,-33.8,40.6C-42.7,25,-47.9,12.5,-50.9,-3C-53.9,-18.5,-54.7,-37,-45.8,-47.4C-37,-57.8,-18.5,-60.2,-0.8,-59.4C16.9,-58.6,33.7,-54.6,46.6,-44.2Z" fill="#3874E9 " transform="translate(60 60)"></path></svg>
<div class="bg-purple w-280 h-280 rounded-circle zindex--0 opacity-25"></div>
<svg class="triangle w-280 h-280 bg-soft-yellow zindex-0" style="transform: rotate(-25deg);max-width: 75%"></svg>


Tab Pills

Data Analytic

Consectetur lorem donec massa sapien faucibus et molestie ac. Duis ultricies lacus sed turpis. Euismod lacinia at quis risus.

  • Professional Designing.

  • Top-Notch Support.

  • check out the process online.

  • Free world wide delivery.

Read More

Web Design

Nibh praesent tristique magna sit amet purus gravida. Sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit duis. Sapien faucibus et molestie ac feugiat sed.

  • Professional Designing.

  • Top-Notch Support.

  • check out the process online.

  • Free world wide delivery.

Read More


Odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed augue. Sed adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique risus. Non sodales neque sodales ut..

  • Professional Designing.

  • Top-Notch Support.

  • check out the process online.

  • Free world wide delivery.

Read More

<div aria-orientation="vertical" class="nav-pills" role="tablist">
    <div aria-controls="v-pills-1" aria-selected="true" data-bs-target=".v-pills-1" data-bs-toggle="pill" role="tab" type="button">
        <img alt="" class="w-64 h-64" src="../assets/img/icons/statistics.png">
            <h3 class="fs-20">Data Analytic</h3>
            <p class="text-secondary mb-0">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>
<div class="tab-content">
    <!--  IMage one -->
    <div aria-labelledby="v-pills-tab-1" class="tab-pane" role="tabpanel">
            <img alt=""src="../assets/img/bg/bg-4.jpg">
<div class="tab-content">
    <div aria-labelledby="v-pills-tab-1" class="tab-pane fade show active v-pills-1" role="tabpanel">
    <!-- Tab Header -->
    <h3 class="fs-20 text-purple">Data Analytic</h3>
    <p class="text-secondary">Consectetur lorem donec massa sapien faucibus et molestie ac. Duis
        ultricies lacus sed turpis. Euismod lacinia at quis risus. </p>
    <!-- list -->
    <ul class="list-unstyled">
        <li class="mb-3 d-flex align-items-center">
            <i class="bi bi-shield-lock text-purple fs-20"></i>
            <p class="mb-0 ms-3">Professional Designing.</p>
        <li class="mb-3 d-flex align-items-center">
            <i class="bi bi-shield-lock text-purple fs-20"></i>
            <p class="mb-0 ms-3">Top-Notch Support.</p>
        <li class="mb-3 d-flex align-items-center">
            <i class="bi bi-shield-lock text-purple fs-20"></i>
            <p class="mb-0 ms-3">check out the process online.</p>
        <li class="mb-3 d-flex align-items-center">
            <i class="bi bi-shield-lock text-purple fs-20"></i>
            <p class="mb-0 ms-3">Free world wide delivery.</p>
    <!-- Read More btn -->
    <a class="btn btn-purple rounded-pill px-5 py-3 mt-4" href="JavaScript:Void(0)">Read More</a>

Text Highlight


Don't worry about parking anymore. Choose the best and closest

<h5 class="fs-30">Don't worry about <span class="text-green">parking</span> anymore.Choose the best and closest</h5>


Tiles One

<figure class="position-absolute rounded-2 shadow zindex-1" style="max-width: 35%; right:-5%;top: 10%">
    <img alt="" src="../assets/img/dashboard/img-3.png">
<figure class="rounded-2 shadow" style="max-width: 100%;height: auto">
    <img alt="" src="../assets/img/dashboard/img-1.png">
<figure class="position-absolute rounded-2 shadow" style="max-width: 45%; top: 40%; left: 3%">
    <img alt="" src="../assets/img/dashboard/img-2.png">

Tiles Two

<figure class="position-relative h-auto rounded-2 shadow" style="max-width: 35%; top: 0">
    <img alt="" class="col zindex-1" src="../assets/img/dashboard/img-10.png">
<figure class="position-absolute h-auto rounded-2 shadow" style="max-width: 65%; top: 5%;right: -2%">
    <img alt="" class="col zindex-2" src="../assets/img/dashboard/img-6.png">
<figure class="position-absolute h-auto rounded-2 shadow" style="max-width: 50%; bottom: -5%; left: 25%">
    <img alt="" class="col zindex-3" src="../assets/img/dashboard/img-9.png">

Tiles Three

<figure class="position-relative zindex-2 rounded-2 shadow" style="max-width: 40%; top: 7%">
   <img alt="" src="../assets/img/dashboard/img-3.png">
<figure class="position-absolute zindex-1 rounded-2 shadow" style="right: -2%; top: 2%;max-width: 80%">
   <img alt="" src="../assets/img/dashboard/img-4.png">
<figure class="position-absolute zindex-4 rounded-2 shadow" style="max-width: 40%; top:60%; right: 5%">
   <img alt="" src="../assets/img/dashboard/img-8.png">
<figure class="position-relative zindex-1 rounded-2 shadow" style="max-width: 80%; bottom: -5%; left: 10%">
   <img alt="" src="../assets/img/dashboard/img-7.png">



Headings h1

Headings h2

Headings h3

Headings h4

Headings h5
Headings h6

<h1>Headings h1</h1>
<h2 class="mt-4">Headings h2</h2>
<h3 class="mt-4">Headings h3</h3>
<h4 class="mt-4">Headings h4</h4>
<h5 class="mt-4">Headings h5</h5>
<h6 class="mt-4">Headings h6</h6>

Tiny Heading

Tiny Heading

<h3 class="text-capitalize text-pale-pink fs-18"> Tiny heading </h3>

List One

  • 1
    design plan

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Necessitatibus, totam!

  • 2
    start design plan

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Necessitatibus, totam!

  • 3
    delivery to customer

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Necessitatibus, totam!

             <span class="text-white">1</span>
        <div class="ms-4">
            <h6>design plan</h6>
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
            adipisicing elit. Necessitatibus, totam!</p>

List Two

  • Download 25 items

  • Support 24/7

  • Access files

  • Ultimate user

  • Ultimate user

  <ul class="list-unstyled">
    <li class="d-flex align-items-center gap-3">
        <i class="bi bi-check text-green fs-24"></i>
        <p class="text-secondary mb-0"> Download 25 items</p>
    <li class="d-flex align-items-center gap-3">
        <i class="bi bi-check text-green fs-24"></i>
        <p class="text-secondary mb-0"> Support 24/7 </p>
    <li class="d-flex align-items-center gap-3">
        <i class="bi bi-check text-green fs-24"></i>
        <p class="text-secondary mb-0"> Access files </p>
    <li class="d-flex align-items-center gap-3">
        <i class="bi bi-x text-danger fs-24"></i>
        <p class="text-secondary mb-0">Ultimate user</p>
    <li class="d-flex align-items-center gap-3">
        <i class="bi bi-x text-danger fs-24"></i>
        <p class="text-secondary mb-0">Ultimate user</p>

List Three

  • Professional Designing.

  • Top-Notch Support.

  • check out the process online.

  • Free world wide delivery.

<ul class="list-unstyled">
    <li class="mb-3 d-flex align-items-center">
        <i class="bi bi-shield-lock text-purple fs-20"></i>
        <p class="mb-0 ms-3">Professional Designing.</p>
    <li class="mb-3 d-flex align-items-center">
        <i class="bi bi-shield-lock text-purple fs-20"></i>
        <p class="mb-0 ms-3">Top-Notch Support.</p>
    <li class="mb-3 d-flex align-items-center">
        <i class="bi bi-shield-lock text-purple fs-20"></i>
        <p class="mb-0 ms-3">check out the process online.</p>
    <li class="mb-3 d-flex align-items-center">
        <i class="bi bi-shield-lock text-purple fs-20"></i>
        <p class="mb-0 ms-3">Free world wide delivery.</p>

List Four

  • 1

    Find new customers

  • 2

    Plan their future

  • 3

    Make them satisfy

<ul class="list-unstyled w-75 mx-auto row row-cols-2 row-cols-md-3 justify-content-between line-horizontal">
    <li class="col position-relative zindex-1">
        <div class="rounded-circle d-inline-block bg-blue w-32 h-32 mb-2">
            <span class="fs-16 text-white">1</span>
        <p class="fs-14">Find new customers</p>
    <li class="col position-relative zindex-1">
        <div class="rounded-circle d-inline-block bg-blue w-32 h-32 mb-2">
            <span class="fs-16 text-white">2</span>
        <p class="fs-14">Plan their future</p>
    <li class="col position-relative zindex-1">
        <div class="rounded-circle d-inline-block bg-blue w-32 h-32 mb-2">
            <span class="fs-16 text-white">3</span>
        <p class="fs-14">Make them satisfy</p>